Live Art Bistro: Compass Cafe Takeover


Tea & Tolerance

Explore a Handbook for Being Human in the 21st Century


A set of precarious & dynamic multiplicities to be explored through conversation and creativity;
Seeking ways and means to affect some sort of transformation in the world;
Fabricating contexts for people of all persuasions to collaborate:
… with an occasional nap, and a lot of LOVE

Conversations between Death (+…Hope)

Life After death? Does this affect the way you live each day? Is suicide the Hope in Death?

Hope – everyone needs hope. Is it the pathway to purpose or fulfilment? We all want to be fulfilled. Doing good for others? Is there fulfilment in this? Or does altruism without personal gain exist?

“Maybe there is no hope because we will all die” (Emily Dickinson). BUT that isn’t what most people behave. They behave as though they will live forever. They all seem to have hope that it will be better – this is just wishful or hopeful thinking.

We all feel invincible and perhaps this is a blissful failing…
BUT it can be optimistic that we are a part of the development of the human race. Perhaps humans ought always to challenge beliefs and help society change so we can progress (BUT what is HELPING society? – there seem to me many different opinions on this subject).

Perfect when you are content with the outcome – Inspired by the idea that we can actually make a difference for a better future.
The only promise in LIFE is DEATH. Yin and Yang (Hope and Death) You need the balance. Death encourages Hope.


An alternative to Maslow’s Theory of ( Human) Needs.
(not in a particular order/ lateral layout/ each point equal)
Safe space to make mistakes
Nourishment – practical, physical, emotional, spiritual
Delight and Joy
Celebration and happiness
Purpose and growth
Other people
Time to ourselves, and with others and to do the things we want to do.

PERFECTION-ism Discuss   

Perfectionism can be an impediment. Perfect for humanity is being kind, compassionate, sharing and tolerant. Is it your best? It is a construct of society. Does it allow us to be ourselves? Is it impossible to attain?

Perfection is in the simple things. Nobody has a perfect existence, rich or poor. YET do we think everyone else has a perfect life (or more perfect than ours…). Perfect is connected to what others think of us. It makes me think about embracing my flaws because perfection is in-authentic and nothing is perfect.

When you are perfect…is it all over? “Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you’ ll land in the stars”. Always strive for more and make sure it’s for the greater good.


We are one. Are we one? Human Race or Human Kind?
Where will my future be as a black person in this world?
…and as a woman?


Could more unite us than divide us? We are entitled to pay for the transgressions of previous generations. This is our legacy and this is our future and we will change the world!



(What’s it like to be you?)
Practicality of clothing that is gender specific. I say be less practical,
In whose shoes?

What are the most important qualities in being human? Humour, kindness, compassion, reason.

Can we bring up our children without gender?
Where do I find happiness? Food, training with my friend, friends, dancing, nature, animals…



Strive for equality – in the REAL sense of the word. A world that is a home for everyone, A world where education is available to everyone. A race for humanity. All nations. All colours. All Religions (or no religions) All countries. Living in peace, all loving each other and all learning to fly.

A world where assessments take the form of conversation – much more fulfilling.
Tolerant. Understanding and full of compassion
Where EVERYONE’s contribution is recognised.
Listen with interest, not just waiting to reply, understand why people believe what they believe and educate not humiliate.
Philosophers or Politicians?
Where people are informed. Is everyone biased? Can anyone be truly objective?
Educate children in politics ( and philosophy)
Need to engage 16-18 year olds and educate them so they are ready to change the world. Don’t let anyone fall through the gaps.
It is important to know people are human. We need to show our vulnerabilities without fear that someone will use that against us. Abusing people’s vulnerabilities is modern life and modern politics.
LESS SOCIAL MEDIA Social media is harmful and damaging to the brain, the algorithms create bubbles / echo chambers and it has been proven to make people feel more lonely and isolated. It is a fake world where we all aspire to an unachievable life.



How do we move on?

Laurie Anderson said:

1. Have no fear.
2. Get a good bullshit detector.
3. Be tender.

Find the source of the fear. What is the source of the fear?
Caring for myself is not an indulgence, it is self preservation and THAT IS a radical act of political warfare.
Radical Softness
What stops you in your tracks?
Leonard Cohen’s voice.
Acts of kindness.
Be serious but don’t take yourself too seriously

We need to inspire tpeople.
Get out of our comfort zones. The best way to be authentic is reveal your own flaws – be vulnerable.
Listen – seek to understand.
We need to be a generation who looks at the bigger picture. Stay HOPE-full not Hopeless. Sticks to our beliefs and plans and be receptive to change.
Be able to adapt
We have a responsibility to the human race
Social media and how we use it is a responsibility – are we part of the money making machine of large corporations (advertising) on social media. Are we being seduced by algorithmic echo chambers?
Fake news arms facebook the corporation to manipulate the truth. ‘Drip feeding’ us – Is the system rigged?
We need a more diverse way of interconnecting – different groups, different ages, we can all learn and thrive with each other.
Be wary of the misinformation from the media. There is media bias – what we read on facebook in our ‘feed’ and in papers, hear on tv or radio has bias.
Be informed.
Saturated by consumerism – is it good for our mental health? Could we consume less on the planet?
Ideas for future:
Chalk questions on the streets – like BRIGGATE, Leeds.
Reduce our TIME on facebook/social media and critically QUESTION everything we are told.
Are we changing the ’norm’ or is the ‘norm’ changing us?
Values and privilege – learn from others. We have a lot to learn from someone else’s opinion and perspective.
We can use the power of two feet – a great story about a university that didn’t ban Katy Hopkins but instead students bought up all the tickets and then when Katy walked in, they walked out. What else can we do that protests in this way?

Is consumerism good for your mental health?
Are you changing the norm or is the norm changing you?
What’s it like to be you?
Are you seduced by algorithmic echo chambers?
What are your responsibilities to humankind?
Where will the future be for black people in this world?
Is the system rigged? What would you change?
How do we move on?



Intergenerational engagement…

Always trying to understand the others point of view… with LOVE, we HOPE…


This event took place on 13th November 2016 at Live Art Bistro as part of Compass Festival‘s Live Art Cafe Takeover. Much appreciation to Tess Hornsby-Smith and Leeds University Students ( OUT THERE CHALLENGE), Institute for Crazy Dancing ( and their hope and death installation) all the dedicated artists who helped run the cafe at LAB and all the people who participated.

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