Through Tea and Tolerance, we are looking at what it means to go beyond tolerance. We are interested in ways of embracing the unfamiliar, being open to all that diversity has to offer, finding solidarity ( solid-ari-tea) and peace with others. The following is an excerpt from a book called Cradling the Chrysalis by Harriett Goldenberg and Mary MacCallum Sullivan which defines ‘difference’ from a therapeutic standpoint.
The Tower of Babel
“Difference’ is a theme which follows each of us through life – my difference from you; your difference from me; my difference from myself at another time remembered, or anticipated. Some notice difference, others are blind to it. Our discomfort with the notion of change, be it within ourselves, someone close to us, or our circumstances is all about difference – about the unknown, the unfamiliar.
Difference is a paradoxical concept. It could more accurately be presented as ‘difference-sameness’. It is as if there is an invisible continuum from one to the other; up to a certain point someone/something is recognisable, familiar, enough like me that I remain comfortable – beyond a certain point, the degree of ‘difference’ takes me into an unfamiliar realm, challenges me, my values, beliefs.”
What are your thoughts and definition of difference ?
With kind permission from Harriett Goldenberg – excerpt from Cradling the Chrysalis: Teaching/Learning Psychotherapy, Continuum International Publishing Group, London. Second edition scheduled for release autumn 2014 from UKCP/Karnac Books