*Photo taken by Jon Dorsett at John Lewis Store, Leeds ( part of the summer activities programme.)
This weekend Tea and Tolerance visited the John Lewis Store in Leeds and then popped in at the Lingfield Community Hub Retro Fair. It was an amazing weekend.
Amongst many topics, we talked about the kind of world we would like to live in, and the most important qualities we can have as human beings. Kindness and patience came up as forgotten but very key qualities. Speaking nicely, and being kind were talked about. Could we be kinder and more patient with each other we wondered? Will we? Will you? You decide. We spoke to lots of people of all ages and these are some of their responses to questions they answered…
Do you think before you speak? No. Not as much as I should.
In who’s interest? Sometimes it’s easier not to think about it…sometimes it can be too much and you want to just close the door and shut it out. Once you open your eyes to whats happening in the world you can’t shut them again.
The lack of resources for communities, I mean can you believe that police stations are only open certain days!! What’s that about? That’s not in anyone’s interest.
When people don’t look out for each other.
How does it feel to be wrong? Not being right can be good as it’s how you learn to do something better.
I don’t like it when I get told off – is that getting it wrong?
Where do you belong? I belong with my family. In the pub – having a drink and a nice time with friends. Wherever I feel comfortable and welcome. Wherever I lay my hat…(who sung that song?)
If you had a superpower, what superpower would you have? Patience. All the Super powers in the world!!
If you could change anything, what would you change? Everything. It all needs changing. Where do you start? I would change the school system….as people learn in different ways and that needs to be accounted for or you can cause damage to young people.
* Photographed and drawn by Jon Dorsett for John Lewis Store Leeds as part of the community activities taking place there every weekend this summer.
When do you ask for help? When I need to go to Hospital? Didn’t you just ask me for help to read this question? Oh my god. I did, didn’t I! You’ve really hit on something there with me. That’s deep. This is brilliant!
Not often enough as I don’t like to bother people…(do you mind when people ask you for help?) No not at all it’s a privilege…that’s a good point.
What do you think will happen to our beautiful planet in our lifetime? Well there’s pollution – that’s already happening…and then there’s certain leaders, they are going to change this planet beyond recognition. It’s going to get worse before it gets better!
What is the difference between you and me? We have different skin but we are the same on the inside. Everyone is different and unique but then we are all the same as well. Our finger prints are all different
What inspires you? Everything inspires me: Nature, science, beautiful buildings, nice people, art, talking about exciting ideas.
What floats your boat? Adventure. Gymnastics. Dancing.
What are you grateful for? Friends. My health. Being alive. Sunshine. My kids everyday.
*Photos at Lingfield Living Local and John Lewis Store,Leeds.
What makes you happy? Ice cream in the park on a sunny day. Being with my family.
What stops you in your tracks? Rats. I don’t like them. One came right up to my foot. It was huge. I was terrified.
What makes you hopeful? Events like these that bring people together and inspire people.
What are you afraid of? Nothing….Spiders!
What makes your blood boil? When someone sets the way things will run and then nobody else sticks to the plan…that does my head in.
Trump!! The state of the world.
People dropping litter – things like that where people don’t show respect.
Why are you here? Like what is my purpose? I try to connect the older ones with the younger ones and vice versa. They don’t always understand each other’s ways of living in the world…I try to help with that.
Do you believe in ghosts? Yes. Some people say when people die they appear like a light in the room. Is that a ghost or just energy? I believe in energy.
Do you believe in Unicorns? Yes! (Performs a little unicorn movement.)
What’s your favourite word? Mermaid. Explore. Ice cream!
How much are you worth? Those two are priceless to me- they mean absolutely everything. ( About his kids) Am I priceless to them too? I guess so.
How does it feel to be vulnerable? In a way, not nice. But it can be really helpful and it happens to everyone at some point. I guess it depends how you handle it.
Can you laugh at yourself? Yes – all the time. I even laugh at my own jokes. You have to laugh don’t you!

*Photo at Lingfield Living Local ‘Retro” Fair, July 2017.
Article written by Zoe Parker and Lucy Meredith of Tea and Tolerance. Tea and Tolerance is a live art ‘installation’ – a roaming tea trolley brewing up refreshing conversations which go beneath the surface. We support better cohesion, understanding and tolerance within our communities. This weekend was possible thanks to generous funding from John Lewis and Leeds Community Foundation #GiveLoveLeeds fund.
Tea and Tolerance received a Leeds Fund #GiveLoveLeeds Grant, thanks to support of the Fund’s Anchor Partner, John Lewis Leeds. Managed by Leeds Community Foundation, The Leeds Fund creates positive change in the communities of Leeds that need it most by distribributing financial grants and support to community projects across the city.